Evaluate your Cerebral Perfusion by Transcranial-Doppler.
Neurosonology Studies in Miami Sonogram
A Stroke can change your life in an instant. According to Stroke.org, it is the No.5 cause of death and the leading cause of disability in the nation.
Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography is the only diagnostic modality that provides a reliable assessment of cerebral blood flow patterns in real-time. If you are at risk for cerebrovascular disease, ask your doctor about how to evaluate your cerebral perfusion by transcranial doppler.
Transcranial Doppler is a noninvasive and painless ultrasound technique that uses sound waves to evaluate blood flow (blood circulation) in and around the brain. There is no special contrast or radiation involved in the test. The use of transcranial Doppler ultrasound (TCD) to detect acute intracranial artery occlusions is well established. The technique has an overall 94% specificity and 79% sensitivity compared with computerized tomographic angiography (CTA) in acute cerebral ischemia.